THE MICHAEL SCHENKER GROUP – Crazy good. That’s my “flashback review” for the Michael Schenker Group album from 1982, titled – Assualt Attack. Aw, heck, I guess I’ll carry on about just how crazy good this Assualt Attack album is after all. Michael Schenker has released some melodic albums in his career with The Michael Schenker Group and Assault Attack is no exception. 1982 was a time where Heavy Metal was growing into the gigantic and lovable monster that it did eventually become… and still is to this very day.

While NWOBHM Bands like Judas Priest and Iron Maiden were laying down the thick, speed driven, dark and Heavy albums in 1982, with Screaming For Vengeance and The Number Of The Beast, respectively, The Michael Schenker Group was laying down the melodic side of Hard Rock colliding with Heavy Metal sound. And what an amazingly melodic sound at that. What Michael Schenker does with his guitar is he makes it sing… his guitar truly is a second lead vocalist in his band. On Assualt Attack, as with any Michael Schenker album in truth, showcases a lead guitarist who never tried to out-muscle a song with overpowering riffs, questionable leads or over zealous solos. Michael Schenker always makes the song work with his guitar.

Back in 1982, FM radio was MTV, itunes, satellite radio and the internet combined. The only other place on Earth you would have been informed of The Michael Schenker Group would have been through a local fanzine, Circus or Hit Parader magazine. (I’m talking about 1982 America here, so my magazine examples are what they are). The first time I was introduced to this Assault Attack album, it was hearing the two songs Dancer and Desert Song. FM radio was the medium from which I heard these songs initially, the call letters were either WHCN or WCCC out of Hartford, CT, take your pick. The FM nighttime radio show was appropriately called… Metal Shop.

The first two albums from The Michael Schenker Group along with Assault Attack I probably bought within a one year span around ’82… and I thought I had a ton of “catching up” to do back then! Metal be thy name. The constant Rockin’ theme of Assault Attack, is it’s melodic nature screams relevancy while nurturing my memories of younger days. Fans of the current Hard Rock/Melodic Rock movement should easily catch onto this album from The Michael Schenker Group, it’s an album worthy of 2010 rotation.

Back to the exquisitely melodic and still Heavy song… Dancer. The solo by Michael Schenker on Dancer is a listen in Heavy Metal art. This song can be looked upon by some, as slightly commercial for it’s own good, only it’s still a bona fide Hard Rock song from an era that was still escorting Disco out the back door. Graham Bonnet on lead vocals, just a few years removed from being the lead vocalist on Rainbow’s Classic Hard Rock gem, 1979’s Down To Earth album, is his stunning self, giving Dancer and the remaining 8 songs on Assault Attack their unrestrained emotion.

Desert Song finds it’s strengths in many parts, one part lyrics, one part Graham Bonnet on vocals and of course… Michael Schenker’s mouth watering end cap solo. Furthermore, Desert Song is structured with creative diligence, something that many of today’s Hard Rock and Heavy Metal songs don’t normally exhibit. Ulcer is the instrumental where Michael Schenker lets it all air out and rightfully so. While I listen to Ulcer, I can’t help thinking of Joe Satriani… and how this song just might have been a definitive influence on his guitar playing. If there is to be a Heavy Metal guitarist and instrumental to emulate from 1982, Michael Schenker and Ulcer is a fabulous choice.

Rock You To The Ground has a bluesy sound both with it’s music and lyrics. A standout of a Hard Rock track, with Michael Schenker really letting loose with an energetic solo that finishes off this memorable song. It may sound cliche’, yet all the hooks and licks are abundant throughout Assault Attack and they haven’t lost their Hard Rockin’ luster going on three decades! Classic Rock? Hard Rock? Sure… only add Classic Schenker as well.

Broken Promises is a showcase of Michael Schenker’s guitar prowess, as he still leaves plenty of room for Graham Bonnet to leave his vocal imprint as well. This is a 1982 Heavy Metal song that seamlessly tied the knot with a Hard Rock sense of purpose. Broken Promises Rocks along with it’s hardened melody and thumping rhythm section of Chris Glen on bass and Ted McKenna on drums.

Girl From Uptown is a bonus track found on the 2009 remastered version of Assault Attack and it should have been an original song to this album… in my Metal opinion. Once again, a melodic Hard Rockin’ song that features the combination of Graham Bonnet’s vocal harmony and Michael Schenker’s luxurious guitar tone. Girl From Uptown just puts me in a cool mood, then again, this entire album puts me in great Metal spirits… with no let up in sight.

* I used to own Assault Attack on vinyl once. Yup, got rid of it for some insane reason. Anyhow, I’ve since purchased this vintage album on itunes… for under $5 (U.S.). That sure beats the asking price of the import CD version that is currently out there.

* To catch up on ALL things happening with The Michael Schenker Group, including their 30th Anniversary Tour 2010, just click on the link below!


The Michael Schenker Group, as they appeared on Assault Attack:

Michael Schenker – guitars

Graham Bonnet – lead vocals

Chris Glen – bass

Ted McKenna – drums

Tommy Eyre – keyboards

Track Listing For The Michael Schenker Group – Assault Attack:

Assault Attack

Rock You To The Ground



Desert Song

Broken Promises

Searching For A Reason


Girl From Uptown (2009 remastered CD bonus track)





  1. This is my favorite Michael Schenker Group album, this album rocks from beginning to end and his partnership with Graham Bonnett was inspired, too bad it was so short lived.

    Not a bad track on the album and it is album I need to upgrade from vinyl to CD. I must have listened to this album 1,000 of times, and while MSG has produced some fine albums after this, none better IMO.

    • metalodyssey Says:

      Well said! I “upgraded’ by buying the “album” on itunes… it was under 5 bucks too with the remastered bonus track included. “Girl From Uptown” is a real good song… it makes you wonder how many other cool MSG songs are kept in hiding all these years.


  2. Stephen Francis Says:

    This is a perfect review man…

    I was in my 2nd band when this album came out. Of course it wasn’t exactly what I wanted (which would have been something more like MSG, and Michael-era UFO).. Michael taught me to play the guitar for the most part. So many nights learning “Strangers In The Night” front to back – it was an awesome education. It was that “melodic” style vs. the EVH clones. I think they outnumbered us — but that just made melodic play all the more special 😉

    You are a consummate reviewer – the reminiscence, the good ‘ol days references – very very well done. I’ll be at this site fequently from here on out. And – I think it’s damn relevant, as you’ve put it – that songs like this would fit in to a present-day rotation easily. Michael is revered as not just the melodic soloist, as I’m certain you know – his compositions (those solos are definitely compositions in their own right) just convey SO MUCH emotion, and as you said – they always FIT… they punctuate, they underline and they exclaim the emotion and meaning within the larger song; his rhythm work the foundations secured in bedrock.. there was only ONE Michael, and a million Eddies. I appreciate seeing that folks such as yourself – get it – and you write about it, chronicle this stuff for others to learn a bit about those days, and the relevance of heroes like Michael. Cheers mate.


  3. Stephen Francis Says:

    I wish I had mentioned just how good, technically, Michael was – melodic but also playing difficult and complex licks and inventions; and your reference to Joe Satriani is very relevant. I have no doubt that Joe was influenced by Michael – I hear it quite often in Joe’s material, especially the first few albums. I’m pretty sure Joe has mentioned it – and have no doubt that he would credit Michael as I do (for that matter, I have to credit Joe for my “graduate studies” so-to-speak, lol). Again – this is an extremely professional review. Kudos to the writer.

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