Archive for 80’s music

KISS “Reason To Live” – 1987 Music Video Is: Stone’s METAL Pick Of The Day!

Posted in classic rock, classic rock bands, Hard Rock, Music, music news, rock music, rock music news, rock music videos with tags , , , , , on August 6, 2014 by Metal Odyssey

Sunrise Wallpaper - 2014 - #7771

What has inspired me to choose this 1987 music video from the iconic KISS for Stone’s Metal Pick Of The Day, are the lyrics. If you can get past the cheese and sugar-free cola imagery of the video itself, the message is simple: Everybody’s got a reason to live. Too many innocent people are dying in our world today due to wars, gang violence, unrest and hostility. Crippled, sickly children and adults are struggling everyday to live; while their waking up the next day is a personal victory. Homeless people have tales to tell; if only anyone would listen. Ebola is on the loose in Western Africa, with no validated medical cure at hand.

Too much (irrational) emphasis is put on a person’s value to society or their family; based on how high their salary is. Skin color or one’s religious loyalty (or lack thereof) can ignite unspeakable hate crimes and racism. Immigrant has become a four-letter word? Heroine is taking the lives of people around-the-clock. Community food pantries struggle to stay stocked.

Plus, if you factor in the Oregon wife and mother of two toddlers, Jennifer Huston, who went missing on July 24th (later to be found yesterday) twenty-five miles from her home, deceased and outside of her vehicle on a remote dirt road, the meaning and value of life becomes more profound. No one has all the answers to the suffering, still, as a global community, humanity needs to obliterate insanity.

I am not preaching, just stating the facts and venting about what is reality in our world today. Please don’t get depressed from all of this; instead LIVE each day and tell those you love… that you love them. Help a stranger; that same stranger may help you someday. Don’t think about donating to or volunteering for a reputable cause… DO IT!!

What is grand about this video is we can all witness the late and great Eric Carr playing the drums. Now that’s NOT cheese or sugar-free cola at all. I hope you can take in the lyrics and enjoy this music video. Metal be thy name. – Stone


Reason To Live was written by Paul Stanley and Desmond Child.

Stone - Motorhead Tee  pic:small


