Archive for kev moore

WITCH CROSS – “Angel Witch” Cover Song Is: Stone’s METAL Pick Of The Day!

Posted in Heavy Metal, metal music, Music, music news, rock music, rock music news with tags , , , , , , , on June 22, 2014 by Metal Odyssey

Witch Cross - Group Promo Pic - Logo - 2013 - #1

WITCH CROSSThe Keep It True Festival is held in Lauda-Königshofen, Germany. This year, a very rare CD was released at the festival only, via Skol Records, celebrating the bands that have appeared at the legendary KEEP IT TRUE festival and the festival itself. One of the festivals participants are the legendary WITCH CROSS and they appear on this CD, covering the song Angel Witch from the also legendary: Angel Witch.

The Keep It True Festival is where WITCH CROSS performed their first comeback show, back in 2012. Below you will hear WITCH CROSS cover Angel Witch in all of its True Metal glory! The band’s ultra-talented musicianship coupled with the vocals of Kev Moore are stuff that sends me into that happy place of where real Metal exists… True Metal, that is. Just a tremendous accomplishment is what WITCH CROSS has contributed to this milestone CD! Whoa!

WITCH CROSS – Cover Song Of Angel Witch Is Stone’s METAL Pick Of The Day!

Keep It True - Harder Than Steel - promo cover pic - 2014 - #7709

Above: The cover art for KEEP IT TRUE – Harder Than Steel –

This CD was a very limited edition, with a run of only 500 copies! This above CD could only be purchased by attending this years KEEP IT TRUE festival. Whoa! Check out the track listing for this super rare piece of Metal history, below. Both the performers and the respective original artists are a steel solid who’s who of True Metal! Metal be thy name!

01. ATTACKER – “Fire Down Under” (RIOT)

02. PARADOX – “March Of The Saint” (ARMORED SAINT)

03. CRYSTAL VIPER – “Night Of The Demon” (DEMON)

04. WITCH CROSS – “Angel Witch” (ANGEL WITCH)

05. OSTROGOTH – “Plan Of Peace” (LETHAL)


07. SACRED STEEL – “All For One” (RAVEN)

08. NIGHT DEMON – “Axe Crazy” (JAGUAR)

09. WIZARD – “Mind Body Spirit” (VIRGIN STEELE)


11. SATAN’S HOST – “See You In Hell” (GRIM REAPER)



* For more info on WITCH CROSS:

Facebook: Witch Cross


* For more info on Keep It True Festival:

Facebook: KEEP IT TRUE Festival

Stone - Motorhead Tee  pic:small





Kev Moore – Interview For The Almeria Life Channel

Posted in Metal, metal music, Music, news, rock music, rock music news, world news with tags , , , , , , on February 7, 2014 by Metal Odyssey

A grand interview Kev Moore has with Almeria Life’s Catherine Eleman!! Long Live Kev Moore m/m/

Moore:Music ®

Here’s an interview with me from my studio, The Indalo Cave, conducted by Almeria Life’s Catherine Eleman, in which I discuss my work across the different bands and genres. Enjoy!

Kev Moore

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WITCH CROSS – METAL Legends Have A NEW Website; And Yes It Kicks Ass!

Posted in Heavy Metal, heavy metal albums, heavy metal bands, Metal, metal bands, metal music, Music, rock music, rock music news with tags , , , , , , , on August 13, 2013 by Metal Odyssey

Witch Cross - Group Promo Pic - Logo - 2013 - #1








Read the Metal Odyssey album review for Axe To Grind:

WITCH CROSS “Axe To Grind” – A Legendary Return To Metal Prominence!

The above link is for a post featured on Metal Odyssey, on July 31, 2013.


* For More Info On WITCH CROSS:

Facebook: Witch Cross


Hells Headbangers Records - Logo - B&W



Stone - Motorhead Tee  pic:small




KEV MOORE Of WITCH CROSS – Reveals What Album He Cannot Live Without!

Posted in classic rock, classic rock albums, classic rock bands, Hard Rock, hard rock albums, Heavy Metal, Music, rock albums, rock music, rock music news with tags , , , , , on July 22, 2013 by Metal Odyssey

Kev Moore - live concert photo!

Kev Moore


This post marks the first of (hopefully) many features that showcase musicians and the album they cannot live without. Every music lover has that one album they cannot live without! I would think, anyways! Metal be thy name.

The only parameters I’ve asked from each gracious participant is that they not choose an album of their own and they can answer in as many words as they would like. Our first participant is Kev Moore! Kev has a Rock ‘N Roll resume that is exceptional, is a multi-instrumentalist and is the lead vocalist/songwriter for the legendary Witch Cross.

Here’s Kev Moore’s album he cannot live without, in his own words:


Way back in the hazy days of the early 1970’s, barely a month went by without a band releasing an album of note. They were the times. Rock music was gaining momentum, approaching perhaps one of several peaks from a commercial standpoint, unknowingly about to crash and burn upon the rocks of insipid disco and punk, the latter ironically fuelling the NWOBHM and a whole new era. But as the 70’s dawned, the giants were already walking among us. Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, releasing masterworks one after the other. As I look back through time’s kaleidoscope, I marvel at my good fortune to have been born into this era of Rock creativity.

But the album that I cannot live without, at the time, marked a sea-change, a huge gamble for the band concerned. It introduced a singer to the world that, up until that moment had sung only part-time, worked in a boutique in the Industrial north of England, and whose only publicity photo was one of him as a boy scout, which he duly sent to the group in question. It is to his eternal credit that he seized the opportunity given to him and never faltered when thrust into the limelight, and to the band’s credit that they recognised something in this raw, untested vocalist. This five piece supergroup were not just replacing their frontman however, they also needed a bassist. They were huge, and replacing two-fifths of the band was a decision not to be taken lightly.

The bassist they settled on, although having three albums and some American touring under his belt, was far from a household name himself however. But he was possessed of something else. One of the greatest voices in rock.  When combined with his fluidity, his virtuosity, his feel, on the bass, it was an irresistible combination for me as a young 16 year-old drummer. The drums were gone. From that moment on, I was a bass playing vocalist. Something I still am, almost forty years later. This album – BURN by DEEP PURPLE and their bass player/singer GLENN HUGHES, changed my life forever, and it is therefore THE album I simply cannot live without.

DEEP PURPLE - Burn - promo cover pic - #56

Don’t get me wrong, Coverdale impressed me – as a twin vocal attack, no-one, but NO-ONE has ever come close. But Glenn’s soaring screaming harmonies, his soulful vocal sections, a magnificent counterpoint to The Cov’s Blues wail, coupled with his fluid, driving bass runs, stole my heart. “That”, I declared to an otherwise empty living room, “is what I want to do.”  It is quite simply the reason I am a professional musician to this day, and I’m grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to meet Glenn on several occasions, the first of which gave me the chance to tell him so.

The album itself is a masterpiece. Comprising just 8 tracks, one of which is a fairly throwaway instrumental, it is still nevertheless one of the greatest rock albums of all time. Because the previous seven tracks just hit you over the head. There is no pause for breath. The title track is surely one of the openers of all-time. It absolutely takes no prisoners. the band is on fire – as if to say, “think we made a mistake? think again!” Both vocalists are magnificent, Paice is a drum solo all over the track, but never overshadowing it, Blackmore’s machine gun riff is unstoppable, Glenn’s bass weaves in and out with ease and the late Jon Lord sprinkles classical magic over the whole shebang. It is simply awesome. You barely have time to draw breath before the Vanilla-Fudge inspired riffage of ‘Might just take your life’ grabs you by the throat. Coverdale wails and moans, the whiplash crack of the snare, then Glenn’s bass is all over it. Coverdale owns the verse, Blackmore’s counterpoint guitar subtle…then Hughes’ harmonies lift us into the Chorus. It’s glorious stuff. Coverdale and Hughes bring a swagger and boogie to the band that wasn’t there before. Hughes then takes over vocals, wonderfully contrasting Cov, and the song soars because of it. Lordy fires up the Hammond, and we’re off…what’s not to love?

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Kev Moore

A honky-tonk piano drags us into “Lay Down, Stay Down”, Blackmore and Hughes doubling another classic riff while Coverdale and Hughes trade the vocal line by line. Other bands of the day must’ve hung their heads in despair when they heard these two big guns firing. Their vocals blend superbly on the choruses, greater than the sum of their parts. Paice is all over the track, jazz-influenced fills, the band is really swinging. Something all the best rock drummers can do. The tone of Ritchie’s guitar on the solo is to die for, no hundred notes a minute here, just an amazing SOUND. Then we’re into Side 1’s closer, ‘Sail Away’. Probably one of my favourite riffs of all time, it is funk-laden rock monster, with a deep-throated Coverdale setting the scene, the higher-octane Hughes taking it on to another level. the song is full of menace, it is superb stuff.  Hughes’ bass pops and shimmies all over the chorus, he owns it. It should be illegal; for one guy to have this much talent.  Thank God he conquered his demons and can still share it with us.

You could be forgiven for thinking they’d shot their bolt with a side one like that, but flip it over and you’re kicked in the teeth with ‘You Fool No-one’, perhaps one of the greatest duets you’ll hear this side of heaven, for that’s what it is. It might rocket along like freight train, propelled by Paice’s incredible rhythm track, but it’s still a duet. When Glenn sings “Gonna make you live to regret it!” you know you would sell your own Grandmother to sing like that.

“What’s Goin’ On Here”  just exudes joy, you can hear a band on fire, long before the rot set in, revelling in their abilities. In a song full of star turns, Jon Lord’s glorious saloon bar piano is top of the bill in this one, I just break into a huge grin every time the solo kicks in. This is quintessential, good-time rock’n’roll.

The instrumental A200 aside, the closer for me is ‘Mistreated’. This is where Coverdale, from the grim industrial town of Middlesboro in the North of England, growing up in the shadow of local hero Paul Rodgers of Free, finally gets the appropriate showcase to sing his blues. And boy, does he sing them. This one of the great modern blues songs. Just think for a moment….to be surrounded by the likes of Blackmore, Lord and Paice, and one of the great vocalists in Hughes, how intimidating must it have been to deliver that song?  He nailed his colours to the mast that day. The interplay between Blackmore’s guitar and Coverdale’s vocal is sublime.

Burn is an album I have played regularly, without fail, since the day I bought it back in ’74. I know every note, every nuance. It is in my DNA. It is the reason I am a working musician. It is a masterpiece, and hell no, I cannot live without it.

Witch Cross - promo band pic - banner - 2013 - #22



* For more info on KEV MOORE: Moore: Music

* For more info on WITCH CROSS:

Facebook: Witch Cross

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WITCH CROSS – Live Date At Støberihallen, Hillerød, Denmark – Info You Need!

Posted in concerts, Heavy Metal, heavy metal news, Metal, metal music, Music, rock music, rock music news with tags , , , , , on May 17, 2013 by Metal Odyssey

Witch Cross - May - hillerod - concert flyer - 2013

The Legendary WITCH CROSS… LIVE!

Friday, May 31, 2013 at 8:00pm in UTC+02

At Støberihallen, Hillerød, Denmark


For more info on WITCH CROSS, click on the links below! Whoa!

facebook: Witch Cross

Stone - Motorhead Tee  pic:small



WITCH CROSS News: HELLS HEADBANGERS Announces July 13th As The International Release Date For WITCH CROSS ‘Axe To Grind’

Posted in Heavy Metal, heavy metal albums, heavy metal news, Metal, metal music, Music, rock music, rock music news with tags , , , , , on April 27, 2013 by Metal Odyssey


Mastered by Flemming Rasmussen (Metallica, Morbid Angel, Blind Guardian) and mixed by Chris Tsangarides (Judas Priest, Thin Lizzy, Anvil), WITCH CROSS Axe to Grind is the band’s first full-length of all-new material since 1984’s Heavy Metal classic Fit for Fight, reissued to widespread acclaim last year by HELLS HEADBANGERS.

Picking up where they left off in the glorious ’80s, WITCH CROSS nevertheless inject their trademark power & glory with a newfound urgency and grit that never betrays their roots in the ancient ways of heavy metal mayhem. Neither “old school” nor “new school,” WITCH CROSS prove that the masters are back – and school’s in session! Check out the amazing cover art, at top of post! Track listing for Axe to Grind are as follows:



01. March of the Vikings

02. Demon in the Mirror

03. Ride With the Wind

04. Metal Nation

05. Awakening-Pandoras Box

06. Axe to Grind

07. Bird of Prey

08. Lost Without Warning

09. Parl of the Machine

10. Chelsea 100

11. Beyond the Veil

Witch Cross - Group Promo Pic - 2013 - #5

Says guitarist Mike Kock: “WITCH CROSS are thrilled to be working with HELLS HEADBANGERS on the new album Axe to Grind. We were blown away with the work that HELLS HEADBANGERS did with the re-release of Fit for Fight and the box sets etc. We couldn’t ask for a better and more supportive label!”

In preparation for this monumental comeback album, WITCH CROSS have unleashed a flurry of teasers for Axe to Grind. The first video from the album, Demon in the Mirror can be viewed in its entirety below:

Additionally, a teaser for the album can be seen below:

The full track for Demon in the Mirror can be heard here:

In other WITCH CROSS news, the band will be co-headlining the SunValley Metalfest in Italy with Rotting Christ on June 28-30. Following that, WITCH CROSS will play their hometown of Hilleroed, Denmark on May 31 and also a Swedish festival at the start of June, to be announced soon. Thereafter, WITCH CROSS will be playing shows all across Europe this summer in promotion of Axe to Grind. For more info, consult the official WITCH CROSS website at


Kev Moore - Promo Pic - 2013 - #1

To read the exclusive Metal Odyssey interview with WITCH CROSS’ dynamic lead vocalist, Kev Moore, click on the link below!!

WITCH CROSS – Lead Vocalist Kev Moore Talks About Band’s New Album And Their Legendary Comeback!

The above link is for a post which was featured on Metal Odyssey, on February 26, 2013.


(Source: Hells Headbangers)

For more info on WITCH CROSS:

facebook: Witch Cross

For more info on HELLS HEADBANGERS:

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Witch Cross – Demon in the Mirror

Posted in Heavy Metal, Metal, metal music, Music, rock music, rock music news with tags , , , , on April 21, 2013 by Metal Odyssey

I had to reblog this AMAZING post about this AMAZING song from the mighty WITCH CROSS \m/\m/

Moore:Music ®

Well, the day has finally arrived when we can share with you the brand new video shot by Peter Hansen, of our first track from the forthcoming ‘Axe to Grind’ album, ‘Demon in the Mirror,’ released shortly on Hells  Headbangers Records and written by guitarist Mike Koch and myself, its just one of a whole bunch of in your face metal anthems coming your way this summer…..Enjoy!

Kev Moore 

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WITCH CROSS – Lead Vocalist Kev Moore Talks About Band’s New Album And Their Legendary Comeback!

Posted in Heavy Metal, heavy metal albums, Metal, metal music, Music, rock interviews, rock music, rock music news with tags , , , , , on February 26, 2013 by Metal Odyssey

Witch Cross - Group Promo Pic - 2013 - #5

WITCH CROSS – Lead vocalist Kev Moore of Metal legends Witch Cross has recently took time out of his unreal busy schedule to do an exclusive interview with Metal Odyssey. A huge Metal thank you to Kev for being so obliging! Below you’ll read about Kev reflecting on the writing of the forthcoming Witch Cross album: Axe To Grind. Kev also speaks with the utmost respect for the Metal legacy in which Witch Cross has earned; as well he speaks the same for his band’s former and current members.

Band chemistry, special (well-known) guest musicians on Axe To Grind, playing the Metal festival circuit and (of course) the fans of Witch Cross, are all touched upon by this talented and charismatic frontman. It’s been many years since the last Witch Cross studio release; that being 1984’s Roadrunner Records release of Fit For Fight. It’s a new Metal era for this Danish rooted Metal band. The fans never went into hiding, Metal never died and now… Witch Cross is back! Here’s what Kev Moore had to say:

Stone: Kev, how excited are you and the entire Witch Cross band & camp to see ‘Axe To Grind’ release?

Kev: We’re totally psyched-up about this release Stone – it’s very, very important to us, as ‘Fit for Fight’ has achieved such a cult status in the Metal world, all these years later we knew it would be a hard act to follow. But we think we’ve stayed true to the ethic of the original, never losing sight that ‘The song is King’.

Stone: Can you tell us Metal faithful how cool it is to have Chris Tsangarides do the mixing for ‘Axe To Grind’?

Kev: To have Chris mix the album is a huge Metal bonus for us. We had him in mind right from the start, and we are great admirers of his work in this genre, his track record speaks for itself! We knew he could help us stay true to the genre and the era from which our music is born.

Stone: Can you elaborate on the flow and chemistry as you and (guitarist/founding member) Mike ‘Wlad’ Kock wrote songs for ‘Axe To Grind’? Anyone else contribute to the songwriting?

Kev: Finding a songwriting partner that is easy to work with and complements your own ideas is not an easy task. Primarily, you have to check your ego at the door, and be prepared to have the other guy say  ‘I don’t like what you did there’ or ‘that sucks!’ because you need to focus on what is best for the song, nothing else. When Mike sent an idea over for me to look at way before we even got deep into the ‘Axe to Grind’ project, and we started ‘ping-ponging’ the ideas back and forth, I immediately knew we could write together. Mike is prolific and fast, as am I. We worked at a furious pace, honing the material to how we wanted it. I want to give huge credit to Mike, who really kept his eye on the ball regarding his vision for this album, keeping it true to the band and the genre. In addition, we really wanted to make this album very inclusive, and ‘Part of the Machine’ was co-written with our bassist, Jan ‘Little John’ Fields, and ‘Metal Nation’ was co-written with guitarist Paul Martin. To take the ‘inclusive’ vibe further, we have our original drummer from ‘Fit for Fight’, Anders “A.C” Hjort as a guest on several tracks too.

Check out the teaser video below for Axe To Grind… Whoa!

Stone: How did your guest musicians Marta Gabriel, Graham Oliver  and Jax Chambers all come on board for this exciting Metal chapter in Witch Cross history?

Kev: We’re so pleased to have these great Metal mates on board for this album! I’ve known Graham for many years, I sang with Oliver/Dawson Saxon for two tours before Wardi joined them and both Graham and I have guested on each others albums in the past. It was natural to want him to contribute to ‘Ride with the Wind’ which is a motorcycle song in the best Saxon tradition! I also get to play bass on that one, so it’s Graham and I together again like the first tour we did. We worked with the fabulous Crystal Viper at Metal Magic in Denmark last year, and Marta’s amazing vocals just knocked us out! It was an honour to have her take the part of the ‘Bird of Prey’, she just rips it to shreds… fantastic Metal stuff!

We’ve known Girlschool for years, often getting the same flights to and from Germany to shows. Jax was a natural to ask to contribute and she’s great fun! She laid down a great solo for ‘Chelsea 100’. What was also cool was my son Corey did the recording of Graham and Jax over in the UK for us, so we kept it in the family! It’s truly an honour to have these three great artists share this album with us. They rock!

Stone: Which are your favorite songs on ‘Axe To Grind’ or is the entire album a favorite?

Kev: It’s REAL hard to pick a favourite, throughout the process it’s changed…but if I had to pick one, it’s probably ‘The Killing of Chelsea 100’. I love the time signature changes and I’m very proud of the lyrics, which reference much of the history and people who went through that famous New York hotel. That said, the album as a whole is a fine body of work, in my obviously biased opinion!

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Kev Moore

Stone: Have you performed any new songs ‘live’ yet? If so, how have the fans responded?

Kev: Yes, we’ve been performing ‘Demon in the Mirror’ and ‘Pandora’s Box’, and I have to say, we were blown away by the fans reaction! When you realize that they also have to deal with me as the ‘new’ vocalist singing the old songs and then hearing new stuff on top, it really gave us a great feeling as we were recording ‘Axe to Grind’.

Stone: Are there songs that didn’t make the cut for ‘Axe To Grind’ that (hopefully) will land on a future EP or studio album?

Kev: Hell yeah! We had so many ideas coming out that we’re well on the way to another album’s worth of material already! We had to think long and hard about what to leave off this one and things are shaping up nicely so that we hope it won’t be another 28 years between releases!

Stone: What can you tell your Metal brethren about the ‘live’ Witch Cross experiences you’ve had thus far?

Kev: You know, playing ‘Keep it True’ in Germany last year was immense for us. It was SO important. We didn’t really know how we’d be received, whether we could recapture any of the magic the band had back in the day, and from a personal perspective, whether I would be accepted as the new frontman, because, and I want to go on record with this: Alex Savage’s vocal performance on ‘Fit for Fight’ was a tour de force – it’s a superb piece of work. I’m no stranger to filling a role though. Going out singing Saxon’s catalogue with Graham Oliver, Nigel Durham and Steve Dawson was a big task too and the experience probably helped me when we resurrected WITCH CROSS.

Witch Cross - Classic Logo - Large - B&W!!

Kev: The fans reaction was truly amazing. You must remember, as is so often the case with Metal, this music gets ‘handed down’ from older brothers, or indeed through generations and there are many people who know the old songs, who never thought they’d ever hear them performed live. Some of the messages of support we’ve had have been wonderful, and the instances of meeting many of the fans at the great festivals such as Metal Magic and Heavy Metal Maniacs in Holland have been very important to us. It is a symbiotic relationship. The band IS its fans, it is our raison d’etre. Without their enthusiasm, their approval, their support, I doubt this album would have been made.

Stone: What are the release dates for ‘Axe To Grind’ in North America, Europe and the UK?

Kev: We have a tentative worldwide release for the beginning of April, but nothing more definite than that at the time of writing. I DO know that our wonderful label Hells Headbangers, will be issuing it in on both CD and 12″ vinyl. More news as we get it!


Above photos courtesy of Kev Moore.

For more info on WITCH CROSS, click on the links below!

facebook: Witch Cross

Stone - Motorhead Tee  pic:small





Posted in Heavy Metal, Metal, metal music, Music, rock music, rock music news with tags , , , , on February 6, 2013 by Metal Odyssey

Grand Metal news Kev! Reblogged on Metal Odyssey! \m/\m/

Moore:Music ®


Friday, May 31st 2013 sees Witch Cross taking to the stage in their hometown of Hillerød, in North Sjaelland, Denmark. The gig will be their first of the year and will follow hot on the heels of a new album, mixed by metal legend Chris Tsangarides, set for release a month earlier – their first since their debut ‘Fit for Fight’ some 26 years ago!  More shows throughout the year are promised as the band look to take their classic tracks on the road alongside new material from the upcoming album.

The concert takes place at the  Støberihallen, support is from Whitesnake tribute and tickets are available from HERE

Kev Moore

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WITCH CROSS – Vocalist Kev Moore Announces New WITCH CROSS Album Goes Into Mixing Stage With Chris Tsangarides; April Release Date Slated

Posted in Heavy Metal, heavy metal albums, Metal, metal albums, metal music, Music, rock music, rock music news with tags , , , , , on January 17, 2013 by Metal Odyssey

Witch Cross - Classic Logo - Large - B&W!!

Here’s some really exciting Metal news, regarding the forthcoming Witch Cross studio album of brand new material! As spoken by Witch Cross vocalist Kev Moore:

“The new Witch Cross album goes into the mixing stage on January 24th with the legendary Chris Tsangarides at the desk, who boasts an impressive Metal CV including Judas Priest, Gary Moore, Anvil, Thin Lizzy and Helloween.

We’re really happy to have Chris on board for this project, his record speaks for itself, and he’s just the man to help us deliver the next Witch Cross album!

We’re looking at a provisional release date of April on Hell’s Headbangers Records.

Keep rockin’!” – Kev Moore

Kev Moore - Promo Pic - 2013 - #1

Kev Moore


(Photo courtesy of Kev Moore)

For more info on WITCH CROSS, click on the links below!

facebook: Witch Cross

Stone - Motorhead Tee  pic:small



WITCH CROSS – Confirmed To Support GOTTHARD In Copenhagen And Performing At HEAVY METAL MANIACS FESTIVAL In Holland!

Posted in classic rock, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, heavy metal news, metal music, Music, rock music, rock music news with tags , , , , , , on September 3, 2012 by Metal Odyssey


WITCH CROSS have been confirmed as support for GOTTHARD at Amager Bio in Copenhagen on October 23rd – WITCH CROSS will also be appearing at the Heavy Metal Maniacs Festival in Holland, on October 27th


This year The Swiss Hard Rock band Gotthard celebrate their 20 year anniversary, only with a great tragedy still fresh in their minds. In the autumn of 2010 the Group’s charismatic lead singer Steve Lee died in a motorcycle accident, leaving the four surviving members at a crossroads in their career. Gotthard decided however to continue and after having auditioned more than 400 singers the job went to Nic Maeder, who was announced as the new front man in November.

The 4th June saw the five Swiss release a new album,  entitled Firebirth.

According to bassist Marc Lynn it has been unreal how easy and painless Maeders incorporation into the band has been – “as if everyone in the band has known him always” – and said Firebirth was infused by a newfound spark and a furious energy.

In other words, something to look forward to when Nic Maeders is exposed to the Danes in Amager Bio.

Sharing the stage that night will be Witch Cross. The Danish Heavy Metal band performs for only the second time in 27 years on stage in Denmark.

Earlier this year, the band played their first show together since 1986. The concert, at  the German Metal festival Keep It True, was chosen as the site for the reunification of the band after nearly three decades of separation. In July they took to the stage at the Metal Magic Festival in Fredericia and now they can be experienced once again in Amager Bio on October 23rd.

More WITCH CROSS news to come!

WITCH CROSS – Live at Keep It True Festival, 2012


(Source: Kev Moore – Witch Cross)

Photos courtesy of Kev Moore

For more info on WITCH CROSS, click on the link below!




WITCH CROSS – To Perform At METAL MAGIC 5, In Fredericia, Denmark

Posted in Heavy Metal, heavy metal festivals, heavy metal news, metal music, Music, rock festivals, rock music, rock music news with tags , , , , , , on May 10, 2012 by Metal Odyssey

(Photo Courtesy of Kev Moore)

WITCH CROSS – The reunited Danish Metallers known across the Metal land as WITCH CROSS, are scheduled to perform at METAL MAGIC 5 on July 13th, 2012, in Fredericia, Denmark. Fronted by vocalist Kev Moore, he recently shared the top photo with Metal Odyssey. This photo was taken at this year’s Keep It True Festival XV; which was held in the Metal grand country of Germany.

Kev Moore has stated that WITCH CROSS is currently writing new material for a forthcoming album! That type of Metal news is what I’m talkin’ about! Check out the METAL MAGIC 5 poster below and you’ll realize that there will be some serious Metal being played at this festival!

Many excellent Metal bands on the bill for certain; I raise the horns seeing that DAMIEN THORNE  and CRYSTAL VIPER will be sharing the stage with WITCH CROSS! Metal be thy name!


Mike “Wlad” Koch – guitar

Kevin “Kev” Moore – vocals

Jan “Little John” Fields – bass

Anders “AC” Hjort
 – drums

Poul Martin Nielsen – guitar


For more info on WITCH CROSS, click the link below!


* Metal Fast Fact: Back in 1650, Frederick III founded Fredericia, therefore, this town is named after him.



WITCH CROSS – Danish Heavy Metal Band Returns! Performing At: KEEP IT TRUE FESTIVAL XV

Posted in classic metal, Heavy Metal, heavy metal festivals, heavy metal news, metal music, Music, rock music, rock music news with tags , , , , , , , , on March 22, 2012 by Metal Odyssey

WITCH CROSS – Danish Heavy Metal band Witch Cross is back on the scene. On the 27th of April 2012, Witch Cross will take to the stage at the prestigious Keep It True Festival in Germany in front of 2000 rocking Heavy Metal fans. The band will be performing songs from their acclaimed 1984 debut album Fit for Fight and founding member and guitarist Mike “Wlad” Koch says “it’s great to be playing the old songs along with one or two new ones, even though we couldn’t get the whole band back together for various reasons it’s exciting to be able to bring our music back to life in front of so many people”! And the band plans to continue to play live after this event so watch this space.

On stage with Mike Wlad will be 2 other original members of Witch Cross , bass player Jan “Little John” Fields and drummer Anders “AC” Hjort. The 3 have drafted in British singer Kevin Moore from Graham Oliver’s Saxon and guitarist Torben Aalykke who has been working with original Witch Cross singer Alex Savage for the last 23 years in Savage Affair and other musical outings.

The band’s debut album Fit For Fight along with their 1982 single No Angel/Are You There and 19 other demo tracks, spanning the bands early days until their split in 1985, has been released on a 4 vinyl limited collectors album by the American Heavy Metal label Hells Headbangers earlier this year. A double CD with some bonus video with be released in the near future.

Vocalist Kevin Moore Comments: On a personal note, it’s really exciting to be fronting Danish Metal band Witch Cross, taking my pro career full circle, as I began professionally playing in Denmark many years ago. Guitarist Mike and I are also busy writing new Witch Cross material.

WITCH CROSS Lineup – Keep It True Festival XV: 

Mike “Wlad” Koch – guitar

Jan “Little John” Fields – bass

Anders “AC” Hjort
 – drums

Kevin Moore – vocals

Torben Aalykke – guitar

FIT FOR FIGHT (1984 – RoadRunner Records)


(Sources: Kev Moore & Mike “Wlad” Koch)




Holiday Rock & Metal Gift Suggestions For The Rockaholic On Your 2011 List!

Posted in christmas, classic rock, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, heavy metal news, holidays, Music, rock music, rock music news, southern rock with tags , , , , , , , on December 12, 2011 by Metal Odyssey

Lynyrd Skynyrd – Christmas Time Again (2000/Sanctuary Records)

Holiday Rock & Metal Gift Suggestions – We are smack dab in the middle of the 2011 holiday shopping season and it can be a living nightmare out there folks. So, what do you buy the Rockaholic on your holiday shopping list? A tee-shirt and/or bandana of their favorite band is cool. Tickets to see their favorite band in concert (if possible) is very cool. Live concerts on Blu-ray or DVD are a Rockin’ idea.

Looking to buy an autographed cymbal, CD, photo or poster? Perhaps a coffee mug, key chain or necktie of your Rockaholic’s favorite band or musician is the ideal gift. This is where a band or musician’s website/merch store comes in handy. Read on…

Going online to their favorite bands websites is always extremely helpful. Why? It is quite commonplace for bands and musicians to have their very own merch store on their websites. There you can find items for sale that are not sold anywhere else! We are talking about merchandise that is guaranteed to make your Rockaholic very, very, happy.

If you’ve never been to a band’s website to peruse their merch store, it is a MUST for Rock & Metal holiday shopping. Whoa and Metal be thy name.

If you are incredibly new at shopping at a band or musicians online merch store, here are two fantastic examples below. Both MASS and Kev Moore are selling their very own cool stuff, tailor-made for their fans and Rockaholics worldwide:


Moore: Music – (Click on ShopKEV at upper right-hand corner of his home page)

Then there is the CD or mp3 download. Be careful. Know which CD’s your Rockaholic needs… just ask and any Rockaholic shall answer!



BC SWEET – New Album “Sugarbomb” Releases Early 2012, Listen To Brand New Single “Sugarbomb” Here!

Posted in classic rock, classic rock bands, glam rock, Hard Rock, hard rock albums, metal odyssey, Music, rock music, rock music news with tags , , , , , , , , on November 3, 2011 by Metal Odyssey

BC SWEETKev Moore (lead vocalist & bassist) for BC Sweet has recently revealed some exciting news: Sugarbomb. This brand new album from BC Sweet will be released in early 2012 and you can listen and Rock-out to the brand new title track right here on Metal Odyssey! The other 9 songs on Sugarbomb are covers, celebrating Sweet classics as well as one Badfinger classic. Plus there is a bonus ‘secret’ track on this album as well! (See track list below).

As of post launch time, Kev Moore is looking to release Sugarbomb on his very own moore:music label, being available through the moore:music online shop.

Kev Moore spoke of the new album Sugarbomb, telling Metal Odyssey:

“This album is just the first step in a gradual rebranding and remodelling of BC Sweet. We’ve taken the decision to establish our own identity with the Sweet legacy as our inspiration. As the years have passed since Brian Connolly’s death, the band cannot claim to be directly associated with him, but our pedigree as musicians, including The Glitterband’s Pete Phipps on Drums, (who has also played for XTC, Eurythmics, Mike Rutherford, etc) give us hope that we can further our cause in our own right with more original Glam-era inspired material over the next few years”.

* The very cool Sugarbomb album cover was designed by Kev Moore.

A special thank you to Kev Moore, for allowing Metal Odyssey to post the new single Sugarbomb for fans to enjoy. Sugarbomb was written by Kev Moore. Sugarbomb will be available as a digital download single on November 5th,2011 and available at most platforms, including: CD Baby, iTunes and Amazon. Click on the audio bar below to hear Sugarbomb and let the good times Rock!

BC Sweet – 2011

SUGARBOMB – Track List:




Fox On The Run

Hell Raiser

Ballroom Blitz

No Matter What (Originally Badfinger, one of Brian Connolly’s favorite covers)

Set Me Free/Lies In Your Eyes Medley (A Sweet Rock classic segued into one of the later singles)


Alexander Roadhouse Bell Blues (Sweet ‘s first single, Alexander Graham Bell mixed with Roadhouse Blues)

* Bonus ‘Secret’ Track – will be heard on Sugarbomb as well!

* Album cover and group photo courtesy of Kev Moore.

* For more info on BC Sweet, click on the link below:

Moore: Music



KEV MOORE “Blue Odyssey” – CD Is Out Now!

Posted in metal odyssey, Music, rock 'n' roll, rock and roll, rock music, rock music interviews, rock music news with tags , , , , , , , , , on November 19, 2010 by Metal Odyssey

KEV MOORE – Vocalist and bass guitarist for BC Sweet, Kev Moore has released yet more new solo material! Blue Odyssey is Kev’s new album and it is available now, by visiting: Miki’s

I received my copy of Blue Odyssey in the mail yesterday… and it could not have come at a better time for me. Kev Moore has written a fabulous album of feel-good songs, good ol’ Rock ‘N’ Roll that has perked me up when I truly needed a positive boost this past week.

Blue Odyssey is Kev Moore’s personal interpretation through song, about his lifelong dream to take a trip through the music heartland of America, starting in Nashville, Tennessee. In January and February of 2010, Kev along with his partner Miki, took this dream trip and it is all captured on eighteen songs. Eighteen songs! I shall give Blue Odyssey it’s proper review in the very near future, right here on Metal Odyssey, after I digest it into my senses several more times!

I just want the world to know, that mulit-instrumentalist and Rock ‘N’ Roll extraordinaire Kev Moore has Blue Odyssey out and available to enjoy! Check out some of the links below, to learn more about Kev Moore, his music and art. The large header is the interview Kev did for Metal Odyssey back on August 5, 2010… it’s well worth checking out in case you missed it!

Kev Moore – myspace music




Long Live Kev Moore and Thank You, Kev.
