Archive for the Ozzy Osbourne Category

My Heavy Metal Favorites List – Part 1

Posted in 1960's acid rock music, 1960's classic rock music, 1960's rock music, 1980's heavy metal music, 1980's metal music, bigfoot mystery, classic heavy metal, classic rock, classic rock music, everyday social experiences, favorite heavy metal topics, feel good stories, Heavy Metal, heavy metal favorites, heavy metal music, heavy metal television shows, hollywood comedians, hollywood stars, list of talking points, lists, Metal, metal odyssey, Motorhead, Music, old school heavy metal, Ozzy Osbourne, people, rock & roll, rock and roll, rock music, thrash metal bands, thrash metal music with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 19, 2009 by Metal Odyssey

MetalOdysseyI think about Heavy Metal a lot. I listen to Heavy Metal… a lot. I buy Heavy Metal Music… very often. (Alright, that is a down right lie, I buy Heavy Metal Music – constantly). When I refer to Heavy Metal, just to simplify things here, I am incorporating all the Metal Music Genres in one. Heavy Metal… all things Metal Music. As I sit around towards midnight on this, September 17th going on the 18th… many Heavy Metal thoughts have crossed my Metal mind. Heavy Metal favorites have drifted around my head this late evening, uh, early morning, some unusual ones at that… here they are, enjoy:

Favorite Heavy Metal:

Decade1980’s… however, this decade were in now hasn’t been too shabby either for Heavy Metal. 

Television ShowHeadbangers Ball… it was the best thing happening on the tube that time of night, uh, early morning. Watching it stewed or sober, it kicked butt period. 

Fashion – worn & torn blue jeans, high top sneakers (untied and dirty), sleeveless black concert shirt (faded) and no belt. Tattoos, hair style, fingerless gloves and body piercing optional. A denim/leather vest or denim/leather jacket makes for a nice touch. O.k., a belt is cool only if the buckle is bad ass. Please note: for Metal chicks, they can wear this too and add their own personal touches… just as long as they do not look like they are going to the prom, a high school reunion or job interview.

MovieEscape From New York – this film did not need Heavy Metal Music… John Carpenter’s dark mind, imagination and music score… was enough. 

Super VillainDoctor Doom, enough said.

Super HeroJudge DreddAnthrax says so and I will not argue.

Restaurant – any drive thru window open after midnight.

Beverage – this one’s easy… beer, uh, keg beer.

MessiahLemmy Kilmister of Motorhead– it used to be Ozzy Osbourne but Sharon ruined the ambiance.

Food Doritos… they were always there to save the night.

ComedianSam Kinison (RIP)… again, Anthrax liked him, even had his patented scream in their song I’m The Man.

Race – beer run.

Non Heavy Metal BandThe Doors… C’mon, were talking Jim Morrison here. The Lizard Kinghe could do anything. Cool.

Band named after a continent – uh, Europe.

Magazine from the past – RIP

High School ClassMetal Shop… for me it was, really, I made an ice pick and a screwdriver too. I still have them, technically they are now considered antiques.

StoreWasteland… the name says it all. This place, well, it had it all.

MysteryBigfoot… the dude is huge and famous, chills out in the wilderness, answers to no one and pays no taxes. Plus, as a bonus, he does not have to pay outrageous prices for milk and toilet paper.

Holiday Halloween… this is the one night of the year where you can put on a costume, act nuts, eat a ton of candy and deliberately scare people. The rest of the year, I would never even consider doing any of those things… except act nuts.

Yup, that is my list of Heavy Metal Favorites… for now. Maybe sometime down the Metal road, I will come up with a Heavy Metal Favorites List Part 2. Here’s hoping this list enlightened or frightened you, either way, thanks for reading it and visiting Metal Odyssey!

Headbangers Ball Logo - large

My favorite Ozzy Osbourne album is…

Posted in 1980's heavy metal albums, 1980's metal music, Album Review, classic heavy metal albums, classic metal, classic rock, classic rock music, cool album covers, essential heavy metal albums, Heavy Metal, heavy metal album covers, heavy metal album review, heavy metal albums, heavy metal guitarists, heavy metal music, Heavy Metal Reviews, heavy metal solo albums, heavy metal solo artists, heavy metal solo vocalists, heavy metal vocalists, Metal, metal music, Metal Reviews, Music, old school heavy metal, ozzy, Ozzy Osbourne, rock and roll hall of fame inductees, rock keyboard musicians, rock vocalists, vintage heavy metal albums, Vocals with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 18, 2009 by Metal Odyssey

I would like to take this opportunity, to let the entire world know, which Ozzy Osbourne album is my favorite of all time. Oops, it is a tie. “Blizzard Of Ozz”, (1980) and “Diary of a Madman”, (1981). Why, you may query? These first two Ozzy albums to me, represent the real, original, building block, style of Heavy Metal sound, that energized the 1980’s into the powerhouse Metal decade it was. Plus, lest we never forget, the greatness of the late Randy Rhoads on lead guitar, on both of these essential Heavy Metal albums.

It is very important to note that on the reissue version of “Blizzard Of Ozz”, during the re-mastering process, Mike Bordin is now on drums and percussion with Robert Trujillo on bass. The original drummer, on the original album, was Lee Kerslake and on bass was Bob Daisley. They are all fabulous musicians, I am not swayed either way. Don Airey is on keyboards for the original album. The key is that the legendary, late Randy Rhoads is the guitarist! Just to hear Randy play his signature sound on “I Don’t Know”, “Crazy Train” and “Mr. Crowley” still sends chills 28 years after this release. Randy Rhoads and his unique guitar sound and style truly helped shape the evolution of Heavy Metal and it’s many prominent guitarists for decades. This album is not just a turning point for Ozzy, it is a focal point of reference and reverence for so many Heavy Metal musicians and fans alike. A bonus track is added into this reissue, “You Lookin’ At Me Lookin’ At You”. This song is similar in structure to “Rock & Roll Rebel” from Ozzy Osbourne’s “Bark At The Moon”. It is a song that is a welcomed addition to this classic album, any song is – that has Randy Rhoads playing. This album has stood the test of time, it feels strange for me to now say that the lyrics, song structure and arrangements with Randy Rhoads leads and riffs are powerhouse. Yet, with the new generation of Ozzy, Randy Rhoads and Heavy Metal fans, getting the word out after all these years is worth every second if it means passing this Heavy Metal jewel on to new listeners.

I know that I do reflect a couple of decades back, (quite often), in my posts… the reason is simple, this incredible Heavy Metal music was created and released decades ago! That is my point of relevance for me, so much of the Heavy Metal that I was into in the late 70’s onward, I still listen to this very day and is now considered classic and vintage. I can remember having the coolest algebra teacher back in High School, Mr. Z. was his name. Mr. Z. allowed his students to bring into class – albums to play on his stereo. How cool is that? It is not too often, with any generation, to reflect on any Algebra teacher from High School as being cool. Well, one of my buddies back then, brought into our class one day, the “Diary Of A Madman” album. This was really the first time I gave this Ozzy gem a thorough listen. I was ecstatic, thrilled beyond Metal belief upon hearing these tunes on this album. (Mr. Z. seemed to dig this Ozzy album too, I can still remember seeing his face showing the appreciation, while the Metal blared). Needless to say, my grades in Mr. Z.’s Algebra class were very respectable, due in part to the cool nonconventional way of teaching, using Heavy Metal as an inspiring teaching tool. Mr. Z. rocked back then, I hope he is still as cool today, wherever he may be.

With tracks such as “Over The Mountain”, “Believer”, “Little Dolls”, “You Can’t Kill Rock and Roll”, “Flying High Again” and “S.A.T.O.”, the odds of ever hearing such amazing Heavy Metal songs this potent and on one album again, are pretty slim. Back in 1982, after listening to this Ozzy album, I was set Metal straight – for a lifetime.

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The greatest Heavy Metal album of all time is…

Posted in 1970's hard rock, 1970's Rock, Album Review, Black Sabbath, classic rock, cool album covers, Hard Rock, hard rock album review, Heavy Metal, heavy metal album review, heavy metal albums, heavy metal guitarists, heavy metal music, Heavy Metal Reviews, heavy metal vocalists, Metal, metal music, Metal Reviews, Music, ozzy, Ozzy Osbourne, Rock, rock music, rock music vocals, tony iommi heavy metal guitarist with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 9, 2009 by Metal Odyssey

527399Well, I have finally reached the pinnacle in my decision process for The Greatest Heavy Metal Album Of All Time. Please reference my past posts on this topic, you will find many great & legendary Metal albums that I personally nominated for this prestigious label. Without further delay, in my Metal opinion, and only mine alone, I have chosen: Black Sabbath – “Sabbath Bloody Sabbath”      

Please note that this is my opinion, anyone out there can have his/her own choice for this topic. It boils down to personal preference, especially when it happens to be Metal. Here are my reasons for why I feel this way about this incredible album:

1. It is my belief that Doom Metal, Stoner Metal and real Metal all began with Black Sabbath. “Sabbath Bloody Sabbath” just signifies musically, what Metal was and where Metal was heading, back in 1974. 

2. Without question, for me, the ‘riff master’ of the Metal world then and now is and forever will be the legendary Tony Iommi.

3. Ozzy Osbourneno Rock or Metal vocalist has ever sounded like him, or even come close. Ozzy’s vocals are so unique, it is uncanny. I am not saying Ozzy is the greatest vocalist ever, what I am stating is that his vocals are a signature, a trademark if you will, of “Sabbath Bloody Sabbath.” Ozzy’s vocals are so extraordinarily identifiable, just as Tony Iommi’s guitar riffs.

4. Not that this played any factor in my decision whatsoever – the album cover artwork is extremely cool, very much Metal. The artwork depicts a skull, demonic beings, a nightmarish snapshot of a piece of hell. Perhaps, I do not know officially for certain, this was the first album cover of any Rock genre which depicted 666 in it’s artwork. (Again, I would need to really research this).

My summary as to why I believe “Sabbath Bloody Sabbath” to be The Greatest Heavy Metal Album Of All Time is this:

Black Sabbath “Sabbath Bloody Sabbath” is a tried and true Heavy Metal classic. Every song is a definitive statement of just how talented and forward thinking Black Sabbath was in 1974. These 8 songs are a journey of surreal riffs, post psychedelic musical heaviness, that molded Heavy Metal into what it has become today. The opener “Sabbath Bloody Sabbath” has a lead riff that instantly prepares you for the remaining set of songs. The instrumental “Fluff” could only work for Black Sabbath on this album, it’s convenient yet prominent position within these songs makes complete sense. “Fluff” and it’s acoustic beauty embarks on the intelligence Black Sabbath held onto musically. Just look at how many Metal bands since, that have slipped in dreamy, mystical or macabre instrumentals for their respective albums. Ozzy Osbourne is so unmistakably eerie on vocals, he was and always shall be one of a kind. Tony Iommi delves into the world of heavy riffs, formulating one after another throughout, unknowingly becoming the Metal riff king for all time. Geezer Butler on bass and Bill Ward on drums provide a legendary rhythm section, that shapes the dark moodiness of this beyond fantastic Metal masterpiece. I look at 1974, then I realize exactly how prominent Heavy Meal was then. It really was not an embraced genre as yet, Metal was truly in it’s infant stage.

“Sabbath Bloody Sabbath” was the Metal comet that stormed into the musical universe in 1974, making a collision onto a world of Rock & Roll that did not know what hit it. Legions of bands and musicians have been influenced by this album, if not, these bands/musicians are not into Metal and/or do not live on this planet. I strongly urge any and all Heavy Metal or Hard Rock fans to add “Sabbath Bloody Sabbath” to their music collection, it is an essential and important work of Heavy Metal. The Greatest Heavy Metal Album Of All Time. 

Just as a sidebar, I struggled with this decision. I was steadfast in deciding on Slipknot “All Hope Is Gone” as the greatest ever. Then, I followed my Metal heart and realized, if it wasn’t for Black Sabbath and “Sabbath Bloody Sabbath,” would there even be Metal music as we know it today?


Heavy Metal theme song for the New York Giants 2009/2010 NFL season is:

Posted in Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, heavy metal albums, Metal, Motorhead, Music, national football league, nfl, nfl football, ozzy, Ozzy Osbourne, Rock, rock music, sports - football with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 26, 2009 by Metal Odyssey

6975892I am a sports fan, a REALLY GIGANTIC fan of the THREE TIME – SUPER BOWL CHAMPION: New York Giants!! With being a fan of Metal music and this being Metal Odyssey, I am going to choose the Heavy Metal theme song for the New York Giants upcoming season of 2009-2010. Why am I doing this? The answer is simple, because I can, that is why. (Well, at least it will be my very own – personal choice, of the New York Giants – Heavy Metal theme song). My choice of the Heavy Metal theme song for the New York Giants is – “Hellraiser” – written by Lemmy Kilmister of Motorhead and Ozzy Osbourne. I like the Motorhead version of Hellraiser to be the pick, Ozzy does a great rendition of this song too, however, I have to choose one or the other. The Motorhead version of “Hellraiser” just seems to be kicked up a notch heavier than the Ozzy version, plus Lemmy’s vocals brings out the lyrical message of the song more stronger, in my Metal opinion. You can find this great Heavy Metal tune on Ozzy Osbourne’s 1991 album  – “No More Tears” and Motorhead’s 1992 album “March or Die.”

I am so looking forward to the new NFL season, even though it is still April! Seeing the New York Giants get ousted early in the playoffs last year leaves a sour taste in my mouth, that is one valid reason why I have chosen “Hellraiser” to be the theme song for my favorite NFL team. Eli Manning and his supporting cast of teammates, along with Coach Coughlin, have taken us to Super Bowl glory once before. This should be a Giant year for this team, (as long as we have a new “go-to” wide receiver with leaping ability and great hands). Otherwise, I am pleased with the defensive and offensive lines, plus the running game is a 1-2-3 punch. Special teams have always been a great trademark for this franchise, going way back to the Coach Parcell era. Go Giants! The Big Blue Wrecking Crew!