Archive for the heavy metal favorites Category

CALIFORNIA METALFEST V – AS I LAY DYING Headlines On Saturday, March 19th, 2011! Bands Listed!

Posted in Extreme Metal, Heavy Metal, heavy metal favorites, metal music, metal odyssey, metalcore, Music, rock music, rock music news with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on March 6, 2011 by Metal Odyssey

CALIFORNIA METALFEST V – This looks like an extremely cool Metalfest to me! Tim Lambesis (vocalist & founding member) of As I Lay Dying is a vocalist and multi-instrumentalist that I applaud tremendously, in this vast world of Metal. I consider Tim to be a prodigious Metal talent. The Powerless Rise (Metal Blade) is the most recent album from As I Lay Dying and one that I listen to consistently. As I Lay Dying tears it apart, per usual, on this strong album of Metal.

It’s the Extreme side of As I Lay Dying that made me gravitate to them in the first place, mixing multiple styles of Metal together to form their own standout sound. Metalcore, Metal and Extreme… we can play the genre game all day long here, just know that As I Lay Dying is one substantial Metal band out there today. Man, I wish this California Metalfest V was just down the street from me! Two words for any Metalhead that is going to this show… you lucky.

I get the biggest Metal kick out of Tim’s side project world-known as Austrian Death Machine. The Thrashin’ Death grooves that Tim Lambesis has created with Austrian Death Machine are infectious to my Metal lovin’ ears. Plus, the parody of Arnold Schwarzenegger through the character (voice-over) of “Ahhhnold” is just (gulp) fun Metal stuff. I recommend any rabid Metal fan out there to get their ears into Austrian Death Machine (if you already haven’t).

The above CALIFORNIA METALFEST V poster pretty much says it all when it comes to any general Metal info!

* For more necessary info like directions/how to buy tickets, click link below:

City National Grove Of Anaheim

* For more Metal info on AS I LAY DYING, click link below:

AS I LAY DYING – myspace music





Posted in best heavy metal albums 2009, best of album lists, best of heavy metal albums, cool album covers, current heavy metal albums, current heavy metal bands, current heavy metal music, current thrash metal bands, heavy metal album covers, heavy metal albums, heavy metal albums 2009, heavy metal awards, heavy metal bands, heavy metal favorites, heavy metal history, heavy metal magazines, heavy metal music, heavy metal music 2009, heavy metal record companies, heavy metal records, Heavy Metal Reviews, heavy metal vocalists, live heavy metal albums, metal music, metal music albums, metal odyssey, Music, old school heavy metal, old school heavy metal bands, power metal albums, rock music, scary album covers, shopping for heavy metal, spooky album covers, thrash metal music with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 29, 2009 by Metal Odyssey

Phew. My two “Top” album lists are done and posted, (Top Ten Hard Rock Albums of 2009 and Top 25 Heavy Metal Albums of 2009). Christmas has arrived and left quicker than an odorless fart. The hustle and bustle has subsided and I am awaiting for the huge snow storm that may or may not hit the Northeast Coast of the United States, (a New Years Eve storm no less). As I kick back and reflect on this past year, I am thankful for being alive to enjoy music – period. I’m also thankful for my incredible wife and twin daughters, all three support my love for Heavy Metal and Extreme Music… they really support me. I said goodbye to my beyond amazing and loving mother this year… she was called to Heaven. I’m sure she probably is watching Buddy Holly, Elvis and Ricky Nelson, live in concert… up in the clouds. I’m thankful for my father who once again, proved to me he is a fighter and survivor. My best Metal buddy Scott has hooked me up all year long to lots o’ great Metal Music, both Old School and new… keep ’em coming buddy! Yeah!


I also want to give a Metal thank you to Century Media Records, a.k.a., CM – this is one damn incredible record company… the most vast selection of Metal albums – both vinyl and CD to choose from, along with a vast array of Metal memorabilia too. As a bonus, they are professional, generousspeedy and fair to do business with… something that has been missing in the business world for too long now.

A very special thanks goes out to my neighborhood f.y.e., the gals there not only are courteous, friendly and are conversationalists… they know the music they are selling too. (A very uncommon situation to find in 2009). The South Mall f.y.e. rules.

O.k., with all of that off of my chest… here are some more Metal Odyssey lists and/or awards, that need to be thrown out to the world to digest. Hope you enjoy this stuff called Heavy Metal as much as I do…



You bet I bought this double CD of Austrian Death Machine! Hey, I like to have some fun with life, why not with Heavy Metal too? Plus, as a bonus, the Heavy Metal brutality on this album is a great combo of Death Metal meets Thrash Metal with Ahhnold butting in throughout. Tim Lambesis, (lead vocalist of As I Lay Dying), is the Metal brainchild behind this Austrian Death Machine project, handling song writing, vocals, guitar, bass and drums. Tim Lambesis does have musical assistance on this album, he names Mark MacDonald as being key in the lead guitar department. Many other special guests appear here as well, (too numerous to mention… they are all listed in the liner notes though). In a Metal nutshell, the songs are yeah… heavy and chug right along at a ferocious pace, just the way I like it. Still, it is Ahhnold that brings the humor and I see nothing wrong with me giving off a freakish smile and chuckle, as I bang my head, each time I listen to Double Brutal.


It just appears to me, that live Heavy Metal albums are not as abundant as studio Heavy Metal albums. Throw in the fact that I did not throw myself into a stack of live CD’s to listen to in 2009 as well, therefore, I list just three:


Iron Maiden is big. No, Iron Maiden is legend. No, Iron Maiden is everything about Metal Music that I could ever wish for… and they released a dog gone, unreal great, live Heavy Metal album with Flight 666. I’ve said this before… this live album won’t topple over the Iron Maiden classic, Live After Death, yet it did topple over all other live Heavy Metal albums in 2009 – in my Metal opinion. On June 11, 2009, I posted my Metal appreciation for this live, double disc gem… the header link below will bring you to it:

IRON MAIDEN “FLIGHT 666″ is now boarding Metalheads!


Whoa. Whoa again. Judas Priest gave me a solid reminder that they are still lurking about in the Metal world… with A Touch Of Evil Live. This is Old School Metal with an exclamation point. No, make that one hundred exclamation points. This is a very good Judas Priest album to own… forever. You can look over my review that I posted on A Touch Of Evil Live, recently on December 22, 2009… it’s only a click away on the header below:



Power Metal = EDGUY. Tobias Sammet and his band gave me a Metal listen, into their World Tour of 2006-2008. This is a highly energized and turn up the adrenaline – Heavy Metal album to listen to… again and again. And again. Sure, Tobias Sammet likes to talk on this live album, only he can walk the Metal walk too. Just a good time Power Metal experience… for me. Yup, I did a review on this one too… on September 27, 2009, I, ahem, applauded EDGUY for releasing this live album. It’s all there on the header link below:




Yes Virginia, there is a Marilyn Manson… and he created one helluva Heavy Metal album in 2009 titled: High End Of Low. Furthermore, Marilyn Manson created, in my Metal opinion, the very best Heavy Metal song of 2009 – and it’s on this album… the song is:


Metal truth be told, the title of this song backs up the music – and vice versa. This song is super-filled with all of the rage and fiery pissed off attitude that Marilyn Manson can muster… and it also rocks so hard with it’s dark and doom glory, that I get both psyched out and scared straight simultaneously, with each listen. Lyrically speaking, Marilyn Manson has made his Metal point with this song.



Um, yes, this is the Heavy Metal Album Cover of the Year – 2009. I mean, look at it!  There is a terrible, ungodly and pissed off cyclops from hell on this cover! This angry and hell born cyclops is destroying everything in it’s doomed path! Nothing can stop this monstrosity! Not even the Creature From The Black Lagoon! A city is being destroyed, pandemonium is breaking loose! Smoldering debris, fires breaking out… and a huge, damned, evil skull is even in the sky above! Hell, if this is not Metal… what is? Rumpelstiltskin Grinder gets my Heavy Metal Art Appreciation Award for this cover too!

An extra loud Metal bravo goes out to artist Mike Hrubovcak, his artistic talents created this cover. Mike Hrubovcak is also the vocalist for the bands MONSTROSITY and VILE. Be certain to check out all the Metal artwork created by Mike Hrubovcak by clicking here:

I bought this CD this past year and I have NO Metal regrets. Rumpelstiltskin Grinder is as vicious and maniacal as they come in Metal Music, both in their lyrics and music. I love this stuff. Check out, if you wish, what I wrote about this fine album on May 2, 2009, by clicking the link header below:

Rumpelstiltskin Grinder – a fresh breath of new school Thrash Metal


Revolver Magazine is the best Metal mag out there, in 2009. In my Metal opinion, you are hard pressed to find a better publication than this in America… which covers ALL the Extreme Metal genres like a black velcro carpet. Plus… this Metal magazine survived an economic crisis that really put the smack down on the entire printing industry – a huge Metal kudos for Revolver’s perseverance and understanding what Metal fans want from a magazine.




All I can say, after all has been said and done… ouch. O.k., I’ll say more. Oh, where have you gone, Lita Ford? What happened to the foxy, smooth guitar licks? I/many of us, know it is not the 1980’s anymore… but gee Metal whiz… what is that music called on Wicked Wonderland? After thinking about it for awhile now… I hope and wish for the Lita Ford of the 1980’s to come back with a kick album in 2010? Maybe 2011? Just come back Lita! Honestly, you are so much better than this album. I did a couple of posts on this album on October 29th and November 5th, respectively. You can read on if you like, by clicking on those righteous headers below:

LITA FORD – “Wicked Wonderland” Is Naughty And Bad Combined


I want to thank anyone and everyone who has visited Metal Odyssey in 2009! Thank you for making it all worthwhile! Feel free to check out my two Best Of posts, the links are right below:



*Also, check out these other Hard Rock & Heavy Metal blogs that have put out their Best Of 2009 lists as well… they have all done their Metal homework all year, carrying the flag for Hard Rock, Heavy Metal and Rock and Roll – it is worth the time and it is just good Metal fun.

Heavy Metal Addiction –

All Metal Resource –

Bring Back Glam –

Hair Metal Mansion –

Hard Rock Hideout –

Heavy Metal Time Machine –

Imagine Echoes –

Layla’s Classic Rock –

Metal Excess –

The Metal Minute –

Rock Of Ages –

The Ripple Effect –


Posted in alternative metal music, collecting heavy metal albums, collecting metal music, cool album covers, current heavy metal bands, current heavy metal music, diverse metal music, female heavy metal vocalists, female rock vocalists, Heavy Metal, heavy metal album covers, heavy metal albums, heavy metal albums 2009, heavy metal bands, heavy metal cover songs, heavy metal favorites, heavy metal memorabilia, heavy metal music, heavy metal music 2009, heavy metal on vinyl, heavy metal picture discs, heavy metal records, Heavy Metal Reviews, heavy metal vocalists, melodic heavy metal music, metal music, metal music today, metal odyssey, metalcore bands, metalcore music, Music, rare picture discs, rock music, rock vocalists with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 19, 2009 by Metal Odyssey

I am always keeping a keen Metal eye out for Heavy Metal collectibles. Picture discs of my favorite bands are an irresistible item for me, with their usual low print run and display appeal. Picture discs are vinyl records, they come as either 7″ or 12″ and have graphics and/or images actually printed on the vinyl itself. Sometimes, picture discs can be found that are die-cut as well, making for an even more unique Heavy Metal collectible. Recently, I have been unearthing some of my Heavy Metal picture discs from years/decades passed, while picking up some new picture disc finds as well. I try not to spend a ton of money on these picture discs either, getting a great Metal deal is my long standing goal. One particular picture disc I purchased this past year is a Maria Brink/ In This Moment – Prayers 7″ and it is hand numbered 292/600. That is a very limited print run… just 600 of these picture discs exist! Um, I would lean towards this picture disc being considered rare. This picture disc was originally released in 2007. I bought this fine Maria Brink/In This Moment picture disc at Century Media Records online or CM Distro… for a whopping five dollars. Five dollars!

The two songs on this picture disc are taken from the In This Moment debut album – Beautiful Tragedy. The two songs are: prayers and daddy’s fallen angel.

This is the Maria Brink/In This Moment – Prayers 7″ Picture Disc I Bought Earlier In 2009:

Maria Brink is the lead vocalist for In This Moment, a Metalcore Band that released their U.S. debut album Beautiful Tragedy on March 20, 2007. Maria Brink delivered some of the heaviest vocals I have ever heard from a female lead Metal vocalist, her Death Metal growls caught my attention very quickly on this terrific album. Don’t be fooled however… Maria Brink can sing lights out, make no Metal mistake about it. This album I highly recommend, especially for fans of Metalcore and Metal female vocalists. Honestly, Beautiful Tragedy should pacify any yearning Extreme Metal fan.

The second album from In This Moment, features much more diverse and matured vocals from Maria Brink. A tremendously more commercial path In This Moment took, with The Dream. Released in the U.S. on September 30, 2008, The Dream not only took me by surprise with it’s 180 degree Metal Music turnaround, it is also one of my favorite albums from that year. The Dream in my Metal opinion, is a top ten Heavy Metal album from 2008. Maria Brink delivers harmonious and melodic vocals on The Dream. Her soothing and ultra emotional vocals on The Promise: Into The Light are beyond memorable for me.

You can read a more detailed album review I wrote on The Dream, by clicking here: IN THIS MOMENT – THE DREAM

Maria Brink has an amazing voice and is an extremely talented lyricist, in my Metal opinion. In 2009, In This Moment re-issued an expanded edition of The Dream, with several new bonus tracks. The one new song, (bonus track), that caught my Metal attention the most is the cover song Call Me from the legendary/Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame inductee… Blondie. You can read more details I wrote about this song by clicking the heading below:

IN THIS MOMENT – Covers “Call Me” with Heavy Metal respect

A cool CD single I picked up from In This Moment is titled Prayers. I bought it due to my needing anything and everything that Maria Brink’s vocals are on. Plus, I am a collector of this band, so getting ahold of this CD single for only two bucks is a Metal deal of the century. Yes, this CD single was on the clearance rack at Century Media Records online… CM Distro.

Two other In This Moment CD singles are out there that I do not own, yet I will eventually. They are:

Beautiful Tragedy – released in 2007

Forever – released in 2008

I can’t say enough about the musicianship of the entire In This Moment band… both past and present members. After just two studio albums, this is a Metal Band that can only get even better… and I will be as eager as ever to listen. Maria Brink has already elevated herself to the very top of today’s female Metal vocalists, that is my Metal opinion and I am not bashful to admit it.

If anyone out there knows of any other Maria Brink and/or In This Moment picture discs, imports or CD singles that exist, feel free to comment… it would be appreciated with the highest Metal gratitude.

KISS “Sonic Boom” album cover & track listings!

Posted in 1970's classic rock bands, 1970's classic rock songs, 1970's hard rock bands, 1970's classic rock music, 1970's hard rock, 1970's heavy metal, 1970's heavy metal music, 1970's Rock, 1980's classic rock bands, 1980's heavy metal hits, 1980's popular rock bands, 1980's classic rock, 1980's classic rock music, 1980's hard rock, 1980's heavy metal bands, 1980's heavy metal music, 1980's heavy metal songs, 1990's heavy metal bands, 1990's heavy metal music, classic hard rock, classic hard rock bands, classic hard rock music, classic heavy metal, classic heavy metal albums, classic rock, classic rock bands, classic rock music, classic rock songs, collecting music, cool album covers, current hard rock albums, current hard rock music, current hard rock songs, current heavy metal albums, current heavy metal music, current rock albums 2009, essential classic rock albums, essential hard rock albums, essential heavy metal albums, essential heavy metal songs, essential rock albums, Hard Rock, hard rock albums 2009, hard rock music 2009, hard rock songs, hard rock vocalists, Heavy Metal, heavy metal album covers, heavy metal albums, heavy metal favorites, heavy metal music, heavy metal music 2009, heavy metal songs 2009, heavy metal this decade, Metal, metal odyssey, Music, new hard rock album, new heavy metal album, old school hard rock, old school heavy metal, recent heavy metal albums, rock & roll, rock and roll, rock music, vintage hard rock albums, vintage heavy metal albums, vintage heavy metal bands, vintage heavy metal songs, vintage rock albums with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 20, 2009 by Metal Odyssey

KISS Sonic Boom will be released on October 6, 2009, in the U.S., exclusively at Walmart, and Sam’s Club. Sonic Boom is a 3 – disc set: a CD of 11 new KISS songs, a 15 song newly re-recorded KISS Klassics CD and 1 KISS Bonus Live DVD. Cool. I will be buying my copy of Sonic Boom first thing on October 6th, (right after I bring my daughters to school). Admitting that I am stoked about KISS returning with Sonic Boom is a Metal understatement! The wait is coming to an end… a new KISS album is upon us, for me it will be Christmas in October, uh, Kissmas in October that is. Long live KISS Rock and Roll!

The Bonus Live DVD is footage from the KISS 2009 South American Tour in Buenos Aires, Argentina. A 20 page booklet will be included inside Sonic Boom as well. Sonic Boom will come as a DigiPak.


KISS "Sonic Boom" x-large album pic 2009
















Track Listing for KISS Sonic Boom:

  1. Modern Day Delilah

  2. Russian Roulette

  3. Never Enough

  4. Yes I Know (Nobody’s Perfect)

  5. Stand

  6. Hot And Cold

  7. All For The Glory

  8. Danger Us

  9. I’m An Animal

10. When Lightning Strikes

11. Say Yeah

Track Listing for the KISS Klassics CD:

  1. Deuce

  2. Detroit Rock City

  3. Shout It Out Loud

  4. Hotter Than Hell

  5. Calling Dr. Love

  6. Love Gun

  7. I Was Made For Lovin’ You

  8. Heaven’s On Fire

  9. Lick It Up

10. I Love It Loud

11. Forever

12. Christine Sixteen

13. Do You Love Me

14. Black Diamond

15. Rock And Roll All Nite

KISS Bonus Live DVD Track Listing:

  1. Deuce

  2. Hotter Than Hell

  3. C’mon And Love Me

  4. Watchin’ You

  5. 100,000 Years

  6. Rock And Roll All Nite

My Heavy Metal Favorites List – Part 1

Posted in 1960's acid rock music, 1960's classic rock music, 1960's rock music, 1980's heavy metal music, 1980's metal music, bigfoot mystery, classic heavy metal, classic rock, classic rock music, everyday social experiences, favorite heavy metal topics, feel good stories, Heavy Metal, heavy metal favorites, heavy metal music, heavy metal television shows, hollywood comedians, hollywood stars, list of talking points, lists, Metal, metal odyssey, Motorhead, Music, old school heavy metal, Ozzy Osbourne, people, rock & roll, rock and roll, rock music, thrash metal bands, thrash metal music with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 19, 2009 by Metal Odyssey

MetalOdysseyI think about Heavy Metal a lot. I listen to Heavy Metal… a lot. I buy Heavy Metal Music… very often. (Alright, that is a down right lie, I buy Heavy Metal Music – constantly). When I refer to Heavy Metal, just to simplify things here, I am incorporating all the Metal Music Genres in one. Heavy Metal… all things Metal Music. As I sit around towards midnight on this, September 17th going on the 18th… many Heavy Metal thoughts have crossed my Metal mind. Heavy Metal favorites have drifted around my head this late evening, uh, early morning, some unusual ones at that… here they are, enjoy:

Favorite Heavy Metal:

Decade1980’s… however, this decade were in now hasn’t been too shabby either for Heavy Metal. 

Television ShowHeadbangers Ball… it was the best thing happening on the tube that time of night, uh, early morning. Watching it stewed or sober, it kicked butt period. 

Fashion – worn & torn blue jeans, high top sneakers (untied and dirty), sleeveless black concert shirt (faded) and no belt. Tattoos, hair style, fingerless gloves and body piercing optional. A denim/leather vest or denim/leather jacket makes for a nice touch. O.k., a belt is cool only if the buckle is bad ass. Please note: for Metal chicks, they can wear this too and add their own personal touches… just as long as they do not look like they are going to the prom, a high school reunion or job interview.

MovieEscape From New York – this film did not need Heavy Metal Music… John Carpenter’s dark mind, imagination and music score… was enough. 

Super VillainDoctor Doom, enough said.

Super HeroJudge DreddAnthrax says so and I will not argue.

Restaurant – any drive thru window open after midnight.

Beverage – this one’s easy… beer, uh, keg beer.

MessiahLemmy Kilmister of Motorhead– it used to be Ozzy Osbourne but Sharon ruined the ambiance.

Food Doritos… they were always there to save the night.

ComedianSam Kinison (RIP)… again, Anthrax liked him, even had his patented scream in their song I’m The Man.

Race – beer run.

Non Heavy Metal BandThe Doors… C’mon, were talking Jim Morrison here. The Lizard Kinghe could do anything. Cool.

Band named after a continent – uh, Europe.

Magazine from the past – RIP

High School ClassMetal Shop… for me it was, really, I made an ice pick and a screwdriver too. I still have them, technically they are now considered antiques.

StoreWasteland… the name says it all. This place, well, it had it all.

MysteryBigfoot… the dude is huge and famous, chills out in the wilderness, answers to no one and pays no taxes. Plus, as a bonus, he does not have to pay outrageous prices for milk and toilet paper.

Holiday Halloween… this is the one night of the year where you can put on a costume, act nuts, eat a ton of candy and deliberately scare people. The rest of the year, I would never even consider doing any of those things… except act nuts.

Yup, that is my list of Heavy Metal Favorites… for now. Maybe sometime down the Metal road, I will come up with a Heavy Metal Favorites List Part 2. Here’s hoping this list enlightened or frightened you, either way, thanks for reading it and visiting Metal Odyssey!

Headbangers Ball Logo - large